INTERSOS Hellas, Greek Forum of Migrants and Greek Forum of Refugees address a Call to Action
The current COVID-19 crisis has put healthcare under tremendous pressure. COVID-19 has greatly impacted undocumented migrants in Greece. For undocumented people, who are excluded from the health systems, the pandemic has exacerbated preexisting conditions of social exclusion and destitution.
International and EU bodies have recommended addressing marginalized communities, including migrants in situations of vulnerability, in national vaccination strategies. The Greek government has reassured that the coronavirus vaccine will be available free of charge for all-in the country. In Greece, however, it is not possible for vulnerable groups, and more specifically for undocumented migrants, to register for vaccination. There is no procedure to overcome the absence of the necessary documentation. In addition to that, protection from immigration control consequences of getting the vaccines is not guaranteed. Thus, so far, there is no provision for their vaccination.
Without proper action, the pandemic will continue to have a disproportionate impact on all marginalized groups. The situation constitutes an urgent need of finding a solution for that vulnerable groups since the issue of public health concerns us all in the context of the protection of human life. The reality of the pandemic allows to raise the critical issues of access to health protection services, whose media sharing will act as a driving force for advocacy activities, besides increasing the awareness, solidarity, and popular participation in the campaign theme.
INTERSOS Hellas, GFM and GFR are inviting anyone interested to join the campaign and sign this call. COVID-19 vaccine must be available for all!
For more information, visit the website of INTERSOS Hellas, available in 10 languages.
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INTERSOS Hellas is a non-governmental organization that operates in Greece with the aim to provide equal opportunities and long term, durable solutions to people in need. INTERSOS Hellas is a member of the INTERSOS family, active since 1992 in many countries around the world.
The Greek Forum of Migrants (GFM) is the biggest network – union of migrant and refugee communities in Greece. For 20 years now, GFM has been defending migrants’ rights and promotes their integration by enhancing their individual and collective responsibility and participation, collaborating with institutions, NGOs, and society -on a national and European level.
The Greek Forum of Refugees (GFR) is an association of refugee and migrant communities, as well as individuals and professionals working all together in the inclusion, support and empowerment of asylum seekers, refugees, migrants, and stateless people.
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